Tuesday, May 13, 2014


I have reached 38 pullups in 50 sec. thus far, and am hoping to reach 40 within another week. The progress certainly doesn't come quite as fast and easily as before, but I certainly can feel my energy and strength increase each week. I got pretty sick for a week, and still managed to basically stabilize my strength during that time, but now that I am feeling better I am considering different options to help bust through this sort of mini-plateau I feel I am about to reach.

Some supplementary/dietary options:

1. Increased carbohydrates before workout
2. Small caffeine boost (not a large amount, as that will drain my adrenals)
3. Cordyceps pre-workout supplementation (easy to find here in China)

Workout options:

1. Use of wrist straps or gloves (have not started using either yet)
2. More high rep exercise to help body adapt to increase lactate threshold
3. More training on vertical plane such as dips, as this has been shown to increase pullup strength and stamina

Hopefully I will pass 40 pullups quickly, as I am eager to reach my goals! However, I am happy that my progress hasn't been halted, and seems to overall be going smoothly thus far.

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